Mulheres - Episódio 266 - Série Novela - TVI 06-06-2015


12 comentários:

  1. Are we going to watch 19mins/week only? :(

  2. Hi.
    Unfortunately that´s what it seems.
    Sorry but we can´t do anything to change this situation.
    We just can hope that the soap returns to his old schedule..

  3. Thank you for answering in English :) Life is boring in China without your telenovelas (especially for those who can't speak Chinese)

    1. It was nothing...we are the ones who have to thank you just for being with us.
      It is a real pleasure to know that, our work, can reach people even in China. :D
      But tell us, if you don´t mind, how do you understand our portuguese "telenovelas"?
      Thank you.
      Hugs from Portugal.

    2. I understand Portuguese 100% (it's my favourite language, not a brazilian version of it) but it's easier to write in English :) I'm Russian from St Petersburg but now I teach English in China. Blogspot (as well as youtube) is blocked in China so normal Chinese people can't watch your novelas without using VPN :( Poor Chinese! :(

    3. Amazing.
      When we started this project, we had never imagined that, one day, a Russian fan that loves Portuguese language, would be visiting our blog from´s really great for us to know that our work is being spread all over the world.
      Thank you so so much for being with us.
      A lots of hugs from Portugal.

  4. Very glad to know that your blog has foreign public and goes so far :)
    Well done TvStory :)
    You deserve it!!!
    Thank you so much for being there all the time**

    1. Thank you so much... :)
      We are so glad´s really rewarding to know that our work is traveling across the´s unbelievable... :D
      And, once again, Thank You Matilde!
      Your support is really fantastic.
      We are such a lucky ones for you to be with us.
      Thank you for being there all the time too.
      Hugs and kisses from TvStory to you.

  5. quando é que sobem os episodios de os ultimos 3 dias(8, 9 e 10)???

  6. Olá
    Todos os dias entro no vosso blog,para seguir as novelas, sei que a novela mulheres só vai passar aos sábados,mas notei que já não está na lista,e queria perguntar se vão continuar a postar a novela teria imensa pena se não conseguir,ver o final.
    Um muito obrigado pelo vosso trabalho.

    1. Olá.
      Sim, no que depender de nós, faremos os possíveis e impossíveis para colocar a trama de "Mulheres" até ao episódio final.
      Pode confiar no nosso trabalho pois prometemos que será sério e dedicado.
      Obrigado por estar connosco.
